H264WebCam is a video surveillance tool for Windows. This is an extremely powerful application that makes use of the H264 codec to display and record video in high definition. By default, the program's window is split into 4 squares, which display 1 camera each. In my computer, H264WebCam detected my webcam and it added it to the first square. It also downloaded a video feed from a camera somewhere in Europe and displayed both side to side. In total, you can connect up to 16 video cameras or any combination of cameras and webcameras, or even Internet feeds.
If you double-click on any square, you will enlarge the camera attached to it to full-screen view. If you right-click anywhere on the screen, all the squares will go full-screen. H264WebCam can also record the video it displays. You can have it record a single channel or all of them. It saves files in H264, obviously, and you can tweak the resolution and other recording options.
The application is packed with features and there are many options to play with here and there. The image quality is great. Even my webcam displays good video thanks to the H264 codec. Keep in mind that recording videos will quickly take up hard drive space, so make sure that you have plenty to spare.